Home of the Harbingers of Defeat Mercenary Unit Home of the Harbingers of Defeat Mercenary Unit


Webpage:LinkHey Matthias, warum sind bei so wenigen Events Bilder dabei? Ich will sie der Welt zeigen und merke sie fehlen ... "heul" ;)
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Webpage:[none]Hey, I'm just a random Brazilian Battletech fan passing through, and I've simply loved reading the log. I wish I actually had people to play with, though.

Anyway, great page! Do update, will ya?

Comment from HOD-Leader:
Thank you very much for the kind words :-)

Updates will definitely follow, unfortunately we cannot devote as much time to playing Battletech as we would like to.
New Entry

From:dani veliosMessage:
Webpage:[none]thats an empty guestbook guys! :)

should do somthing against this.

first try and keep on going!

kind regards,

dani aka n3o
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This is an unofficial website dealing with our games of Classic Battletech and MechWarrior. For official information on the game and the game's background please visit www.classicbattletech.com.
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- D i s c l a i m e r -
No BattleMechs were harmed in the making of this website.
Although we try to, the historical events depicted here need not follow the official timeline.
The campaign and it's characters are purely fictional. Any similarities to persons living, dead or not yet born are purely coincidental and not intended.
MechWarrior, BattleMech, ‘Mech and AeroTech are registered trademarks of WizKids, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2007/02/02  56156