Home of the Harbingers of Defeat Mercenary Unit Home of the Harbingers of Defeat Mercenary Unit

Logentry 011.01

Suspicious Minds

Stanley, Federated Commonwealth, 3040-10-24

We were not heading to Galatea right now, but decided to visit Tore Heimstad and accept his invitation he made several months ago. Before we arrived at his castle, we checked out the market on planet Stanley, as we had to reinforce our 'Mech Pool after the devastating battle against Asmodeans Dark Wave. Furthermore we needed some protection for our dropship. We got two Corsair fighters, some armor and an Awesome with rare ER PPCs. We considered this one an appropriate replacement for HOD-7s lost Achilles. We also got to know a 'Mech pilot, looking for a new unit. She showed good skills in a short practice, so we decided to give her a chance in our next engagement.

Then we arrived at marquess Heimstads castle. We were really regaled by his subsidiaries and after some small talk he made us an offer, although we mainly had come here for recreation. He told us about the Church of Elvis that exists on this planet. It is kind of a sect that adores Elvis and they even founded a new Memphis. Some of their followers believe it is the real Memphis and it is a rewarding source of revenue. But on the other side it has often been targeted by d'Uneros Penitents. They consider all of this institution misguided and in a special need for repentance. There we had come full circle. The invitation came after we had beaten d'Unero during the arena fights (although some of us were beaten up by him). Now we were offered to protect his archrival against the Penitents. But the proposal he gave us was nearly slanderous. 500,000.- C-notes for six months of defense. As this could hardly cover our expenditures, we demanded 10,000,000.- C-notes. Bearing in mind, that we declared ceasefire with the Legacy of Brothers, this would be easy money. Marquess Heimstad negotiated with hod1 and after consulting his minister of defence, he consented to our request. We even got 100% salvage rights and could use their repair bays for free.

For about three months we had nothing to do, but practicing a few manoeuvres, so our fighter pilots and HOD-10 could become acquainted with their equipment. Our first disruption came as an Excalibur dropship of d'Uneros Penitents arrived at Stanley spaceport. Based on a rough estimate there were about twenty 'Mechs and eight fighters with them because it looked like a heavily altered construction. One of their monks asked for private audience with Tore Heimstad. He claimed an ultimate battery of Church of Elvis and furthermore 30,000,000.- C-notes as a repentance fine. Heimstad worried about the next warning, as d'Unero let him know, that his castle will be primary target, if he will not conform to their requirements. We took advantage of that situation and told them, that we are protecting this planet and appealed to their honor, as they will not be known as those breaking up ceasefire. They departed reluctantly and d'Unero threatened us. In due time we will have to pay for that and then we will regret that. He will show us the path of repentance. We did not care about his fulmination, as we knew that his attempt to get revenge will come either way.

Log Entry by Sergeant Yong-Chi Takahara, hod3

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