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Logentry 005.01

Annihilation of the 'Intruders From Hell'

Galatea, Federated Commonwealth, 3038-06-15

Contract NameIron Fist
Code No.LC- 3039- 354 781 55 KLv
ContractorLeutnant General Thomas, Commanding Officer 24th Lyran Guards RCT "The Slashers" by order of the High Command Lyran Commenwealth Armed Forces of the Archon Katrina Steiner

1 - Mission Details

Liaison PeopleLiaison-Officer RCT
Primary ObjectiveAnnihilation of the mercenaty regiment "Intruders from Hell", stationed on Leximon/Marian Hegemony, assigned to 24th Lyran Guards RCT
Secundary ObjectiveCapture or neutralization of the Commander 'Intruders from Hell', General Joshua "Hand of Chaos" Zamir
Tertiary ObjectiveCapture or neutralization of the wanted criminal and MechWarrior Salerno "The Void" Fisten
Wording of ContractWithin the combat deployment of the 24th Lyran Guards RCT you are to carry out special missions and/or be part of autonomous or combined combat missions with the objective to neutralize the mercenary regiment "Intruders from Hell" or to strip it of its capabilities to conduct military operations

2 - Strength of involved unit(s)

Up to two companies of the contractor.

Supporting units of the principal's 24th Lyran Guards RCT other mercenary units where required.

3 - Duration of Contract

2 - 8 months

4 - Command Rights

The units of the contractor are subordinate to the command 24th Lyran Guards RCT or are deployed autonomous after consultation of the liaison-officer respectively.

Salvage Rights

10% of all destroyed enemy units

Contract Payment

Advance Payment1,000,000.- C-Notes
After successfull completion3,500,000.- C-Notes
Contract penalty (failure, failure to appear to duty, desertion10,000,000,- C-Notes
no contract penalty by military defeat of 24th Lyran Guards RCT
Damage Compensation50%
Mending Costs0%
Loss of BattleMech0%
Extra Payment Secondary Objective5,000,000,- C-Notes
Extra Payment Tertiary Objective3,000,000,- C-Notes


Transportation (jump and drop ships) are provided by principal.

Additional Information

The mercenary regiment "Intruders From Hell" is responsible for major raids within the Lyran Commonwealth for years. The unit is based on Leximon, a planet in the Periphery, Marian Hegemony. Due to the high damaged suffered (estimated 3,800,000,000,- C-Notes within the last years) the high command of the LCAF decided after clearance with the Archon to send an expeditionary force with the objective of neutralizing the 'Intruders From Hell'. This task was assigned to the 24th Lyran Guards RCT "The Slashers" which is supported by several small mercenary units. The 24th is a well trained regular combat unit consisting of one regiment of BattleMechs, two regiments of gound vehilces and three infantry regiments. The commander, Leutnant General Thomas, is known as competent and experienced. He and some of the veterans of the 24th were among the troops that repelled Wolfs Dragoons on Hesperus II in 3019.

The "Intruders from Hell" commanded by General Joshua "Hand of Chaos" Zamir consist of three BattleMech battalions, a supporting vehicle battalion and several small infantry units. Zamir is a bold and feared commander. The Intruders are both specialized on hit-and-run-tactics and able to deal with larger engagements, which was experienced by several lyran militias with deadly outcomes. Of late there is no defeat of the Intruders that is worth mentioning. The units of the intruders are surprisingly well maintained considering they are mercenaries operating out of the Periphery. The regiment as a whole can be considered veteran.

Additionaly, there are several notorious Warriors with exeptional skills to be found within the regiment. Among them is Captain Salerno "The Void" Fisten. Rumor has it that his mere presence on the field of battle spreads fear and horror. After "The Void" cleared the field of enemies with his black Jenner nothing but unspectacular silence and void remains. Another rumor has it, that "The Void" is an elite ComStar renegade. His Jenner is exceptionally strong, which was to often noticed to late by his adversaries. The high command of the LCAF knows about 63 confirmed kills. The brass wants his head, if at all possible alive.

Another well-known Warrior is Major Ben "Black Corsair" Pergamon. He stems from the Davion part of the Inner Sphere and is a brilliant und brutal Pilot. In his former unit, the 1st Davion Heavy Guards, he attract attention with negativ behaviour. Prior to being suspended he nicked Lost-Tech from the NAIS with some cronies and fled to the periphery. The "Black Corsair" pilots an upgraded Warhammer, the "Mortalbash", which spreads fear and loathing. Major Pergamon commands the third battalion "Death and Decay". This units consists of a high percentage of heavy 'Mechs and is known as the "battering ram" of the Intruders.

Intelligence assumes that the Marian Hegemony does not openly support the Intruders. Archon Katrina threatened the marian Ceasar with open war should he do so and Marik declared his neutrality concerning this possible war. Nevertheless exceptionally hard engagements are to be expected. The Intruders have a very strong Mech contingent, but the 24th can summon a good deal of vehicle and artillery support as well as well trained infantry units which can secure captured positions. Mercenary units are - besides regular missions - designated for the disruption of supply lines and special missions, like hunting down a command lance in the rear.

Log Entry by Hptm Theobald von Stein, hod1

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