Home of the Harbingers of Defeat Mercenary Unit Home of the Harbingers of Defeat Mercenary Unit

Logentry 006.01

Refitting And Fighting On Galatea

Galatea, , 2038-10-04

Back in our Headquarter we started to spend our money.

HOD-4 went to the markest to get hold of a Grashopper 'Mech. After HOD-3 bargained with the seller we took it home for 5,500,000.00 C-Bills.

As HOD-3 had lost his Flashman, he was also looking fo a new 'Mech and found it in a MAR-3D Marauder which he bought for 7,000,000.00 C-Bills.

We sold the Whithworth, Blackjack and Phoenix Hawk.

HOD-6 was assigned the Rifleman and for HOD-7 we bought a Blacknight (8,000,000.00 C-Bills).

I concentrated on the strategic orientation of our unit, and expanded our available assets with the following:

* 2 Ferret Helicopters (180,000.00 C-Bills) and the neccessary crew members
* 2 J. Edgar Light Hovercraft tanks and the neccessary crew members
* 2 Savannah Master and the neccessary crew members
* 1 platoon of infantry. To command and train these we recruited Lt. Brian O'Kelly. He was a 28 year old infantry office who was with Wolf Draggons prior to his employment with us. Under his command were 4 squads of 7 soldiers, and he had his 2nd IC, a verteran Staff Seargeant.

The additional vehicles all fit in our HQ-building, for the new personell we rent a nearby abandoned hotel. This building provided enough room for all memebrs of ou unit and would even allow us to expand. The hotel even had a walled yard which was big enough for the daily physical drill for our infantry men.

When we had restocked our supplies, made sure evey member had a 'Mech and integrated the new personell into the unit, we met to dicuss what we were to do next.

In the end we decided to not look for anther contract, but take part in the yearly Galatea 'Mech tournament. In this tournament lance sized formations fight against each other. The overall winner gets a trophy money and additionally you get every 'Mech the adversaries leave behind in the arenas.

As we had not heard anything concerning our recommendation for a medal, I send a Com Star message to my father and asked him if he could find out anything on this matter. His high position in the LCAF surely entitled him to access this sort of information.

Log Entry by Hptm Theobald von Stein, hod1

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