Home of the Harbingers of Defeat Mercenary Unit Home of the Harbingers of Defeat Mercenary Unit

Logentry 009.02

Arrival on Parsig

Parsig, Federated Commonwealth, 3040-01-20

When we arrive on Parsig, we are welcomend by the vice gouvernour of the planet. The gouvernment is very happy to have us on the planet, as they were not defenceless now anymore.
Possible targets are found everywhere on the planet.
We got a DropShip (Maultierklasse) from the government for our time on the planet, which allows us to move quickly to any spot on the planet.
We set up our base of operations in the garrison of the (now defunct) planetary militia. There was a good communications center there, which was linked directly to the space port (getting immediately information of advancing space craft) and linked to every city and possible target on the planet.

While HOD-3 oversaw the setup there, HOD-4 and myself used our helicopters to fly over all the possible targets, starting with the ones that were not attacked unitl now, and took notes of the topography and advance routes, defensible positions etc.

In the arsenal of the planetary militia, we found a Sniper Artillery piece, which we repaired and had ready to use.

Log Entry by Hptm Theobald von Stein, hod1

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2007/02/02  56155