Home of the Harbingers of Defeat Mercenary Unit Home of the Harbingers of Defeat Mercenary Unit

Logentry 014.05

Comme ci comme ca ComStar

Selius II, Periphery, 3042-12-27

Again, General Hammond invited us to a meeting. HOD Leader and HOD-3 were attending because HOD-2 and HOD-4 got ill. From reliable sources Hammond had the information, that another old starleague depot should be found on the planet Selius II. Rumors had it, that there should even be a mobile HPG and that it was erected before ComStar was founded. We had lurking doubts about the presumption, that it would be left for nearly fourhundred years.

After three weeks we got there and located another jumpship in the system of Selius. Some of our pilots were still fighting illness and it got not better as we were told, that the planet had a nocuous atmosphere. We were instructed to be not more than three hours without artificial ventilation. On Selius II we found the appropriate dropship and it was quite big with space for carrying up to 24 'Mechs. Our assignment improved to the utmost discretion as we identified their sign as ComStar. Although we were not very sure about that and the yet accepted fact, that ComStar has no 'Mechs made it hard to believe.

Our speculation proved true. ComStar Demi-Precentor William Mendet told us to leave because the technology on this planet is exclusively for ComStar following the word of Blake. But they did not really consider us as a threat and so we could observe them for two days. We noticed many transport vehicles that were sent in the jungle near their dropship and we took it as an indication, that there might be the lost starleague base. After short consultation with Hammond we decided to engage in battle. The information, that William Mendet is the leader of Blinding Light, a quite fanatical group, did not hinder us to do so. Approximately twelve 'Mechs were waiting for us and we had only five pilots ready to fight.

To our advantage not all twelve enemys appeared at once, but we had to fight against a Crusader, a Cerberus, a Wolverine, a Trebuchet, a Charger and an Awesome. All 'Mechs were painted in black and featured the ComStar Blinding Light coat of arms. On our side was HOD Leader in the Charger, HOD-3 in the Rifleman III, HOD-7 with the Mauler, HOD-8 piloting the Banshee and hodx in the speedy Exterminator.
Approaching unit, give identification report
HOD Leader began a short battle of words.
This is Fred Cyber of Blinding Light. You will buckle, won't you. The technology on this planet is only and exclusively dignified to be used by ComStar. This is the word of Blake and everyone has to obey the word of Blake, remember this.

HOD Leader returned
I remember, it is the word of Blake, that all people shall be saved...

Fred Cyber interrupted him
Blakes word will be done...

and added

HOD-3 and HOD-8 opened fire upon the Crusader, which shocked HOD-8 in return with an unknown weapon, the fluid gun. Loaded with paint he daubed the cockpit of the Banshee, so HOD-8 had some problems with aiming by eye and had to rely mostly on her sensors. She had sweet revenge immediately as she kicked the Crusaders head into pieces. HOD-7 wrecked the undamaged Wolverine with three critical engine hits, while HOD-3 flipped one arm for multitasking fire. He detached one leg of the Trebuchet, caused a gyro hit, an engine hit and removed one arm of the Charger. HOD Leader also reported an engine hit on the Cerberus. Then the enemy unveiled another weapon, a taser and hodx was the target. The current pulse made the electronics going mad and although it was more difficult to damage the enemy, she burned two medium lasers in the Awesomes head. The next enemy 'Mech turned in a fireball after HOD-3 eliminated the Trebuchet. Due to collateral damage by HOD-8 it exploded. Hodx did not mind the tasers effect and carried into execution what she had begun with another headshot to the Awesome, so we had a good salvage because HOD-7 was still missing his familiar design. The Exterminator had recovered from the taser and hodx continued to wreak havoc. She kicked the Cerberus to the ground, what resulted in a shutdown by contact to the ground. The last enemy was destroyed by HOD-3 as he blasted the Charger in front of HOD-7 apart. HOD-7 by mischance got a lot of damage by the explosion, but as he had recorded no damage until this happened, he decided to stay with HOD-3 and HOD-8, while HOD Leader and hodx drew back to change 'Mechs. We already had noticed seven new ComStar 'Mechs advancing and we had to preclude the recovery of the first wave until HOD Leader arrived in the Warhammer and hodx tried her best in the unfamiliarly slow Longbow.

The second wave featured seven enemies, another Wolverine, another Trebuchet, an Albatross, an Orion, a Rifleman, a Marauder and a prototype of a Gunslinger. The Demi-Precentor William Mendet tried to intimidate us, but was not succesful, as HOD Leader responded with a broadband message
Harbingers do not rush it. We have enough time and we want to have some fun with them.
There were only words of curse on the other side. This time HOD Leader opened fire and blasted directly a ppc in the cockpit of the Trebuchet just before the battle had really begun. HOD-3 added another broadband message
I see... That is what happens, when we wanna play with them and give them some time.
HOD-3 had a little less patience as he destroyed one activator in the Riflemans leg and together with HOD Leaders inception the pilot of the Rifleman backed down and let his 'Mech fall down cowardly behind an elevation. The enemies sense for nature was very low as the Gunslinger cleared woods with the gauss rifle. So it was evident, that they only had interest in the technology of the planet and did not care for anything else. Just like us. HOD Leader picked on the Rifleman and caused an engine hit. Things happened very quickly after that and the proclamation of HOD Leader was forgotten. Hodx hit the Marauder with a lrm20 into the head, HOD Leader destroyed center torso of the Orion, then hodx takes the Marauder finally out of battle with a critical hit to the gauss rifle and the explosion shut it down. Hodx suffered also a definite shutdown as the Gunslinger teared the left torso apart. The Albatross brought HOD-3s 'Mech near to an explosion as he recorded several engine hits to the Rifleman III, but HOD-3 was only shutdown. HOD-7 removed one leg of the Albatross, but the pilot managed to get up again with only one leg.
After we had lost 185 tons of 'Mechpower in a few seconds an apparently won battle seemed to get close.

HOD-8 brought us back on the winning track as she disrupted the Gunslinger and HOD-7 kicked the Albatross to the ground for the second time. The prone 'Mech was destroyed by HOD Leader due to an ammunition explosion and contemporaneously he eliminated the Wolverine with both of his ppcs. He had to pay a high price for this manoeuvre, as he fell down after incurring a gyro hit. Another gyro hit by the Rifleman shut him down for the remainder of the battle. The Rifleman, that nearly was taken out of battle at the beginning was suddenly in the position to be the last enemy standing, but we still had HOD-7 and HOD-8. HOD-7 swept the battlefield with the dismantling of the Rifleman. Only a few days after we had got to know, that ComStar was in the control of own Battlemechs we had beaten thirteen of them, and we suppose they were not the worst of them.

Log Entry by Sergeant Yong-Chi Takahara, hod3

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